CAA | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CAB | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
CAC | Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO) |
CAD | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
CAE | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
CAF | BCBS of Mississippi (MS) |
CAG | Blue Shield (BS) of California |
CAH | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
CAI | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
CAJ | Wellmark |
CAK | Blue Shield (BS) of California |
CAL | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
CAM | Highmark BCBS of West Virginia (WV) |
CAN | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CAO | Unassigned Prefix |
CAP | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
CAQ | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
CAR | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
CAS | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
CAT | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
CAU | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CAV | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
CAW | Blue Shield (BS) of California |
CAX | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
CAY | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
CAZ | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
CBA | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
CBB | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
CBC | Unassigned Prefix |
CBD | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
CBE | Unassigned Prefix |
CBF | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
CBG | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
CBH | Anthem BCBS of Colorado (CO) |
CBI | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
CBJ | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
CBK | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
CBL | Unassigned Prefix |
CBM | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
CBN | Unassigned Prefix |
CBO | BCBS of Louisiana(LA) |
CBP | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
CBQ | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
CBR | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
CBS | Anthem BCBS of New Hampshire (NH) |
CBT | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
CBU | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
CBV | BCBS of Louisiana(LA) |
CBW | Anthem BCBS of Colorado (CO) |
CBX | Unassigned Prefix |
CBY | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CBZ | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
CCA | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
CCB | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CCC | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
CCD | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
CCE | Unassigned Prefix |
CCF | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CCG | Unassigned Prefix |
CCH | Wellmark |
CCI | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
CCJ | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
CCK | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
CCL | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CCM | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
CCN | Unassigned Prefix |
CCO | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
CCP | Unassigned Prefix |
CCQ | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
CCR | Wellmark |
CCS | Unassigned Prefix |
CCT | Unassigned Prefix |
CCU | Unassigned Prefix |
CCV BCBS Prefix | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
CCW | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CCX | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
CCY | Wellmark |
CCZ | Blue Shield (BS) of California |
CDA | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CDB | Unassigned Prefix |
CDC | BCBS of Arizona (AZ) |
CDD | Unassigned Prefix |
CDE | Unassigned Prefix |
CDF | Anthem BCBS of Kentucky (KY) |
CDG | Wellmark |
CDH | Unassigned Prefix |
CDI | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CDJ | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
CDK | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
CDL | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CDM | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
CDN | Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross |
CDO | Wellmark |
CDP | Wellmark |
CDQ BCBS Prefix | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
CDR | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CDS | Blue shield(BS) of Northeastern New York (NeNY) |
CDT | Anthem BCBS of Connecticut (CT) |
CDU | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CDV | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
CDW | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
CDX | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CDY | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CDZ | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
CEA | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
CEB | Wellmark |
CEC | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CED | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CEE | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
CEF | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
CEG | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CEH | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
CEI | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CEJ | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CEK | Unassigned Prefix |
CEL | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
CEM | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
CEN | Unassigned Prefix |
CEO | BCBS of Nebraska (NE) |
CEP | BCBS Prefix/ BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CEQ | Wellmark |
CER | Unassigned Prefix |
CES | BCBS of Louisiana(LA) |
CET | Blue Shield (BS) of California |
CEU | Unassigned Prefix |
CEV | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CEW | Wellmark |
CEX | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CEY | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CEZ | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CFA | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
CFB | Wellmark |
CFC | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
CFD | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
CFE | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
CFF | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
CFG | BCBS of North Carolina (NC) |
CFH | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
CFI | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CFJ | Wellmark |
CFK | Wellmark |
CFL | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
CFM | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
CFN | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
CFO | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CFP | Unassigned Prefix |
CFQ | Unassigned Prefix |
CFR | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CFS | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
CFT | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
CFU | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CFV | Wellmark |
CFW | Unassigned Prefix |
CFX | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
CFY | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
CFZ | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
CGA | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
CGB | Blue Shield (BS) of California |
CGC | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
CGD | Blue Shield (BS) of California |
CGE | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
CGF | BCBS of Arizona (AZ) |
CGG | Anthem BCBS of Kentucky (KY) |
CGH | Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO) |
CGI | Wellmark |
CGJ | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
CGK | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CGL | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
CGM | Unassigned Prefix |
CGN | BCBS of Nebraska (NE) |
CGO | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CGP | Excellus BCBS of New York (NY) |
CGQ | BCBS of North Carolina (NC) |
CGR | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CGS | Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO) |
CGT | Anthem BCBS of Connecticut (CT) |
CGU | Unassigned Prefix |
CGV | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CGW | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
CGX | Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO) |
CGY | Florida (FL) Blue |
CGZ | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
CHA | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
CHB | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
CHC | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CHD | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CHE | Unassigned Prefix |
CHF | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
CHG | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CHH BCBS Prefix | BCBS of Tennessee (TN) |
CHI | Unassigned Prefix |
CHJ | Unassigned Prefix |
CHK | Wellmark |
CHL | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
CHM | BCBS of Nebraska (NE) |
CHN | Unassigned Prefix |
CHO | BCBS of Louisiana(LA) |
CHP | Capital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania (PA) |
CHQ | Anthem BCBS of Kentucky (KY) |
CHR | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CHS | BCBS of North Carolina (NC) |
CHT | BCBS of Tennessee (TN) |
CHU | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CHV | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CHW | Unassigned Prefix |
CHX | BCBS of North Carolina (NC) |
CHY | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
CHZ | Unassigned Prefix |
CIA | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CIB | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CIC | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CID | BCBS of North Carolina (NC) |
CIE | Wellmark |
CIF | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CIG | Unassigned Prefix |
CIH | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CII | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
CIJ | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
CIK | Capital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania (PA) |
CIL | Unassigned Prefix |
CIM | Unassigned Prefix |
CIN | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CIO | Capital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania (PA) |
CIP | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
CIQ | BCBS of Tennessee (TN) |
CIR | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
CIS | Regence BCBS |
CIT | Florida (FL) Blue |
CIU | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
CIV | Capital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania (PA) |
CIW | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
CIX | Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO) |
CIY | Florida (FL) Blue |
CIZ | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CJA | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
CJB | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CJC | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
CJD | Unassigned Prefix |
CJE | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
CJF | BCBS of Nebraska (NE) |
CJG | BCBS of Kansas City |
CJH | BCBS of North Carolina (NC) |
CJI | Highmark BCBS of West Virginia (WV) |
CJJ | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
CJK | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
CJL | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
CJM | Florida (FL) Blue |
CJN | Florida (FL) Blue |
CJO | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
CJP | Unassigned Prefix |
CJQ | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
CJR | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
CJS | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CJT | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
CJU | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CJV | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
CJW | Unassigned Prefix |
CJX | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
CJY | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
CJZ | Wellmark |
CKA | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CKB | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
CKC | Unassigned Prefix |
CKD | Unassigned Prefix |
CKE | Blue Shield (BS) of California |
CKF | Unassigned Prefix |
CKG | BCBS of Tennessee (TN) |
CKH | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
CKI | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
CKJ | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
CKK | Unassigned Prefix |
CKL | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CKM | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
CKN | Regence BCBS |
CKO | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
CKP | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
CKQ | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
CKR | BCBS of Tennessee (TN) |
CKS | Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO) |
CKT | Unassigned Prefix |
CKU | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
CKV | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
CKW | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
CKX | Blue Shield (BS) of California |
CKY | Blue Shield (BS) of California |
CKZ | Unassigned Prefix |
CLA | Unassigned Prefix |
CLB | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CLC | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
CLD | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
CLE | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
CLF | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
CLG | Unassigned Prefix |
CLH | Excellus BCBS of New York (NY) |
CLI | Wellmark |
CLJ | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
CLK | Unassigned Prefix |
CLL | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
CLM | Wellmark |
CLN | BCBS of North Carolina (NC) |
CLO | BCBS of Mississippi (MS) |
CLP | Unassigned Prefix |
CLQ | Unassigned Prefix |
CLR | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
CLS | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
CLT | Wellmark |
CLU | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
CLV | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CLW | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
CLX | Unassigned Prefix |
CLY | Wellmark |
CLZ | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CMA | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
CMB | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
CMC | Wellmark |
CMD | Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO) |
CME | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CMF | Wellmark |
CMG | Wellmark |
CMH | BCBS of Tennessee (TN) |
CMI | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
CMJ | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
CMK | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
CML | Unassigned Prefix |
CMM | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
CMN | Blue shield(BS) of Northeastern New York (NeNY) |
CMO | Unassigned Prefix |
CMP | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
CMQ | Regence BCBS |
CMR | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CMS | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
CMT | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
CMU | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
CMV | Blue Shield (BS) of California |
CMW | Wellmark |
CMX | Excellus BCBS of New York (NY) |
CMY | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
CMZ | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
CAN | Unassigned Prefix |
CNB | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
CNC | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
CND | Unassigned Prefix |
CNE | Wellmark |
CNF | Wellmark |
CNG | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
CNH | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
CNI | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
CNJ | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
CNK | Wellmark |
CNL | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CNM | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
CNN | Unassigned Prefix |
CNO | Unassigned Prefix |
CNP | Unassigned Prefix |
CNQ | Unassigned Prefix |
CNR | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CNS | Unassigned Prefix |
CNT | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CNU | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CNV | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CNW | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CNX | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
CNY | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
CNZ | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
COA | Capital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania (PA) |
COB | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
COC | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
COD | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
COE | Unassigned Prefix |
COF | Unassigned Prefix |
COG | Anthem BCBS of Colorado (CO) |
COH | Unassigned Prefix |
COI | Unassigned Prefix |
COJ | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
COK | Unassigned Prefix |
COL | Unassigned Prefix |
COM | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
CON | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
COO | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
COP | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
COQ | Unassigned Prefix |
COR | Unassigned Prefix |
COS | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
COT | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
COU | Unassigned Prefix |
COV | BCBS of Arizona (AZ) |
COW | Unassigned Prefix |
COX | Blue Shield (BS) of California |
COY | Capital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania (PA) |
COZ | Unassigned Prefix |
CPA | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
CPB | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CPC | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
CPD | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
CPE | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CPF | BCBS of North Carolina (NC) |
CPG | Blue shield(BS) of Northeastern New York (NeNY) |
CPH | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CPI | Unassigned Prefix |
CPJ | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CPK | Regence BCBS |
CPL | BCBS of Kansas City |
CPM | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CPN | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CPO | Unassigned Prefix |
CPP | Wellmark |
CPQ | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
CPR BCBS Prefix | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
CPS | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
CPT | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
CPU | BCBS of Nebraska (NE) |
CPV | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
CPW | Wellmark |
CPX | Unassigned Prefix |
CPY | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CPZ | Blue shield(BS) of Northeastern New York (NeNY) |
CQA | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
CQB | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
CQC | Unassigned Prefix |
CQD | Unassigned Prefix |
CQE | Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO) |
CQF | Unassigned Prefix |
CQG | Unassigned Prefix |
CQH | Regence BCBS |
CQI | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CQJ | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
CQK | Blue Shield (BS) of California |
CQL | Unassigned Prefix |
CQM BCBS Prefix | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
CQN | Blue Shield (BS) of California |
CQO | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CQP | Unassigned Prefix |
CQQ | Anthem BCBS of Colorado (CO) |
CQR | Unassigned Prefix |
CQS | BCBS of Western New York (WNY) |
CQT | Unassigned Prefix |
CQU | Unassigned Prefix |
CQV | Wellmark |
CQW | Unassigned Prefix |
CQX | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
CQY | Wellmark |
CQZ | Unassigned Prefix |
CRA | Capital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania (PA) |
CRB | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
CRC | Capital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania (PA) |
CRD | Unassigned Prefix |
CRE | Blue Shield (BS) of California |
CRF | BCBS of North Carolina (NC) |
CRG | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
CRH | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
CRI | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
CRJ | Unassigned Prefix |
CRK | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
CRL | Excellus BCBS of New York (NY) |
CRM | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CRN | BCBS of North Carolina (NC) |
CRO | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
CRP | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CRQ | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
CRR | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
CRS | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
CRT | Unassigned Prefix |
CRU | BCBS of Western New York (WNY) |
CRV | Unassigned Prefix |
CRW | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
CRX | BCBS of North Carolina (NC) |
CRY | BCBS of Tennessee (TN) |
CRZ | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
CSA | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
CSB | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CSC | Florida (FL) Blue |
CSD | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CSE | Unassigned Prefix |
CSF | Anthem BCBS of Colorado (CO) |
CSG | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
CSH | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
CSI | BCBS of Kansas City |
CSJ | Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO) |
CSK | Wellmark |
CSL | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
CSM | Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross |
CSN | Unassigned Prefix |
CSO | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CSP | Excellus BCBS of New York (NY) |
CSQ | Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO) |
CSR | Blue Shield (BS) of California |
CSS | Anthem BCBS of Colorado (CO) |
CST | Anthem BCBS of Colorado (CO) |
CSU | Regence BCBS |
CSV | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
CSW | Unassigned Prefix |
CSX | Wellmark |
CSY | Unassigned Prefix |
CSZ | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
CTA | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
CTB | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
CTC | BCBS of Oklahoma (OK) |
CTD | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
CTE | Unassigned Prefix |
CTF | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
CTG | Anthem BCBS of Connecticut (CT) |
CTH | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
CTI | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
CTJ | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
CTK | Capital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania (PA) |
CTL | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CTM | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
CTN | Unassigned Prefix |
CTO | Blue Shield (BS) of California |
CTP | Unassigned Prefix |
CTQ | BCBS of Western New York (WNY) |
CTR | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
CTS | BCBS of Nebraska (NE) |
CTT | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
CTU | Blue Shield (BS) of California |
CTV | Unassigned Prefix |
CTW | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
CTX | Blue Shield (BS) of California |
CTY | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CTZ | BCBS of Arizona (AZ) |
CUA | Unassigned Prefix |
CUB | Excellus BCBS of New York (NY) |
CUC | Unassigned Prefix |
CUD | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
CUE | Unassigned Prefix |
CUF | Blue Shield (BS) of California |
CUG | Wellmark |
CUH | Anthem BCBS of Colorado (CO) |
CUI | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
CUJ | Unassigned Prefix |
CUK | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
CUL | Unassigned Prefix |
CUM | Unassigned Prefix |
CUN | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
CUO | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
CUP | Wellmark |
CUQ | Blue Shield (BS) of California |
CUR | BCBS of Western New York (WNY) |
CUS | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
CUT | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CUU | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
CUV | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CUW | Wellmark |
CUX | Regence BCBS |
CUY | Regence BCBS |
CUZ | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
CVA | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
CVB | Florida (FL) Blue |
CVC | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CVD | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CVE | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
CVF | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
CVG | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
CVH | Unassigned Prefix |
CVI | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
CVJ | Florida (FL) Blue |
CVK | Florida (FL) Blue |
CVL | Regence BCBS |
CVM | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
CVN | Anthem BCBS of Connecticut (CT) |
CVO | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
CVP | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
CVQ | Unassigned Prefix |
CVR | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
CVS | Wellmark |
CVT | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CVU | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
CVV | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CVW | Unassigned Prefix |
CVX | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CVY | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
CVZ | Wellmark |
CWA | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CWB | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
CWC | Unassigned Prefix |
CWD | Wellmark |
CWE | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
CWF | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
CWG | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
CWH | Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO) |
CWI | Blue Shield (BS) of California |
CWJ | Unassigned Prefix |
CWK | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
CWL | Unassigned Prefix |
CWM | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
CWN | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CWO | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
CWP | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
CWQ | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
CWR | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
CWS | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
CWT | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
CWU | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CWV | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CWW | Wellmark |
CWX | Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO) |
CWY | Wellmark |
CWZ | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
CXA | Unassigned Prefix |
CXB | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
CXC | BCBS of Rhode Islanad (RI) |
CXD | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CXE | Unassigned Prefix |
CXF | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
CXG | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
CXH | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
CXI | BCBS of Nebraska (NE) |
CXJ | Excellus BCBS of New York (NY) |
CXK | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
CXL | Unassigned Prefix |
CXM | Unassigned Prefix |
CXN | Unassigned Prefix |
CXO | Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross |
CXP | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
CXQ | Wellmark |
CXR | BCBS of Rhode Islanad (RI) |
CXS | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
CXT | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CXU | Unassigned Prefix |
CXV | Unassigned Prefix |
CXW | Unassigned Prefix |
CXX | Blue Shield (BS) of California |
CXY | Unassigned Prefix |
CXZ | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CYA | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CYB | Blue Shield (BS) of California |
CYC | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CYD | Unassigned Prefix |
CYE | Regence BCBS |
CYF | Unassigned Prefix |
CYG | Florida (FL) Blue |
CYH | Unassigned Prefix |
CYI | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
CYJ | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
CYK | Florida (FL) Blue |
CYL | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CYM | Unassigned Prefix |
CYN | Unassigned Prefix |
CYO | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
CYP | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CYQ | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
CYR | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
CYS BCBS Prefix | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
CYT | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
CYU | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
CYV | Regence BCBS |
CYW | Unassigned Prefix |
CYX | BCBS of North Carolina (NC) |
CYY | BCBS of North Carolina (NC) |
CYZ | Regence BCBS |
CZA | Anthem BCBS of Kentucky (KY) |
CZB | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
CZC | Anthem BCBS of Connecticut (CT) |
CZD | Unassigned Prefix |
CZE | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
CZF | Unassigned Prefix |
CZG | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
CZH | Anthem BCBS of Connecticut (CT) |
CZI | Blue Shield (BS) of California |
CZJ | Unassigned Prefix |
CZK | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
CZL | Unassigned Prefix |
CZM | Unassigned Prefix |
CZN | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
CZO | Unassigned Prefix |
CZP | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
CZQ | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
CZR | Wellmark |
CZS | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
CZT | Anthem BCBS of Connecticut (CT) |
CZU | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
CZV | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
CZW | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
CZX | Unassigned Prefix |
CZY | BCBS of North Carolina (NC) |
CZZ | Unassigned Prefix |