BCBS Alpha Prefix List Blue Cross Blue Shield Companies - State Lookup
WAA BCBS of Alabama (AL)
WAB BCBS of Illinois (IL)
WAC Regence BCBS
WAD Florida (FL) Blue
WAE BCBS of Texas (TX)
WAF Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK)
WAG BCBS Prefix BCBS of Illinois (IL)
WAH Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK)
WAI Regence BCBS
WAJ Florida (FL) Blue
WAK Wellmark
WAL BCBS of Massachusetts (MA)
WAM Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA)
WAN BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI)
WAO Blue shield(BS) of California (CA)
WAP Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA)
WAQ Florida (FL) Blue
WAR Unassigned Prefix
WAS Unassigned Prefix
WAT BCBS of Rhode Island (RI)
WAU Wellmark
WAV BCBS of Massachusetts (MA)
WAW BCBS of Massachusetts (MA)
WAX Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK)
WAY Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ)
WAZ Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK)
WBA BCBS of Illinois (IL)
WBB Blue shield(BS) of California (CA)
WBC Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA)
WBD BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues
WBE Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID)
WBF Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA)
WBG Regence BCBS
WBH Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH)
WBI Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH)
WBJ Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK)
WBK BCBS of North Carolina (NC)
WBL Anthem BCBS of Kentucky (KY)
WBM Wellmark
WBN Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN)
WBO BCBS of Oklahoma (OK)
WBP Regence BCBS
WBQ BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI)
WBR Unassigned Prefix
WBS Wellmark
WBT Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH)
WBU BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI)
WBV BCBS of Texas (TX)
WBW Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA)
WBX Blue shield(BS) of Northeastern New York (NeNY)
WBY BCBS of Minnesota (MN)
WBZ Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI)
WCA Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO)
WCB Wellmark
WCC BCBS of Illinois (IL)
WCD BCBS of Minnesota (MN)
WCE Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA)
WCF Unassigned Prefix
WCG Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH)
WCH BCBS of Massachusetts (MA)
WCI Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI)
WCJ Unassigned Prefix
WCK BCBS of Massachusetts (MA)
WCL Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK)
WCM Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA)
WCN Regence BCBS
WCO Capital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania (PA)
WCP Regence BCBS
WCQ Wellmark
WCR Unassigned Prefix
WCS Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH)
WCT Unassigned Prefix
WCU Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA)
WCV BCBS of Massachusetts (MA)
WCW Blue shield(BS) of California (CA)
WCX Wellmark
WCY Regence BCBS
WCZ Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID)
WDA Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA)
WDB Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA)
WDC Unassigned Prefix
WDD Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross
WDE BCBS of Alabama (AL)
WDF Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA)
WDG Blue shield(BS) of California (CA)
WDH Wellmark
WDI Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA)
WDJ Unassigned Prefix
WDK Unassigned Prefix
WDL Unassigned Prefix
WDM BCBS of Nebraska (NE)
WDN Unassigned Prefix
WDO Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA)
WDP Unassigned Prefix
WDQ Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH)
WDR Unassigned Prefix
WDS Florida (FL) Blue
WDT Unassigned Prefix
WDU Blue shield(BS) of California (CA)
WDV Unassigned Prefix
WDW Unassigned Prefix
WDX Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA)
WDY Unassigned Prefix
WDZ Unassigned Prefix
WEA Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA)
WEB Unassigned Prefix
WEC BCBS of Minnesota (MN)
WED Unassigned Prefix
WEE Wellmark
WEF BCBS of Minnesota (MN)
WEG BCBS of Texas (TX)
WEH Wellmark
WEI Wellmark
WEJ Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA)
WEK Wellmark
WEL BCBS of Massachusetts (MA)
WEM Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA)
WEN Unassigned Prefix
WEO Blue Advantage of Arkansas (AR)
WEP Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA)
WEQ BCBS of Nebraska (NE)
WER Unassigned Prefix
WES Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross
WET Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA)
WEU Unassigned Prefix
WEV BCBS of Western New York (WNY)
WEW Unassigned Prefix
WEX Unassigned Prefix
WEY Unassigned Prefix
WEZ Unassigned Prefix
WFA Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA)
WFB Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA)
WFC Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID)
WFD Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA)
WFE Regence BCBS
WFF Unassigned Prefix
WFG Regence BCBS
WFH Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO)
WFI Empire BCBS of New York (NY)
WFJ Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA)
WFK Unassigned Prefix
WFL Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA)
WFM Excellus BCBS of New York (NY)
WFN Unassigned Prefix
WFO BCBS of Tennessee (TN)
WFP Unassigned Prefix
WFQ BCBS Prefix Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN)
WFR Unassigned Prefix
WFS Empire BCBS of New York (NY)
WFT Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK)
WFU BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues
WFV Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA)
WFW Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA)
WFX Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK)
WFY Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA)
WFZ Excellus BCBS of New York (NY)
WGA Unassigned Prefix
WGB Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID)
WGC BCBS of Massachusetts (MA)
WGD Unassigned Prefix
WGE BCBS of Alabama (AL)
WGF Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA)
WGG Unassigned Prefix
WGH Wellmark
WGI BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI)
WGJ Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA)
WGK Unassigned Prefix
WGL Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA)
WGM Unassigned Prefix
WGN Excellus BCBS of New York (NY)
WGO Blue shield(BS) of California (CA)
WGP Wellmark
WGQ Anthem BCBS of New Hampshire (NH)
WGR Wellmark
WGS Unassigned Prefix
WGT BCBS of Western New York (WNY)
WGU Unassigned Prefix
WGV Unassigned Prefix
WGW Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO)
WGX Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross
WGY Unassigned Prefix
WGZ BCBS of Illinois (IL)
WHA Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA)
WHB BCBS of Massachusetts (MA)
WHC BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI)
WHD BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI)
WHE Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA)
WHF Wellmark
WHG Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID)
WHH Wellmark
WHI Empire BCBS of New York (NY)
WHJ BCBS of Massachusetts (MA)
WHK Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA)
WHL BCBS of Western New York (WNY)
WHM Blue Advantage of Arkansas (AR)
WHN BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI)
WHO BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI)
WHP Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA)
WHQ Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA)
WHR Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA)
WHS BCBS of Illinois (IL)
WHT BCBS of Massachusetts (MA)
WHU Wellmark
WHV Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA)
WHW BCBS of Minnesota (MN)
WHX BCBS of Massachusetts (MA)
WHY Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN)
WHZ Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA)
WIA Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA)
WIB BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues
WIC Unassigned Prefix
WID BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI)
WIE Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross
WIF BCBS of North Carolina (NC)
WIG Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI)
WIH Premera Blue Cross (BC) of Alaska (AK)
WII Unassigned Prefix
WIJ Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA)
WIK Blue shield(BS) of California (CA)
WIL BCBS of Alabama (AL)
WIM Blue shield(BS) of California (CA)
WIN Wellmark
WIO Blue shield(BS) of California (CA)
WIP Regence BCBS
WIQ Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA)
WIR Unassigned Prefix
WIS Unassigned Prefix
WIT Unassigned Prefix
WIU Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI)
WIV Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA)
WIW Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA)
WIX Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA)
WIY BCBS of Kansas City
WIZ Unassigned Prefix
WJA Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK)
WJB Unassigned Prefix
WJC Unassigned Prefix
WJD Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA)
WJE Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN)
WJF BCBS of Illinois (IL)
WJG BCBS of Massachusetts (MA)
WJH Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA)
WJI Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA)
WJJ Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA)
WJK Capital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania (PA)
WJL BCBS of Nebraska (NE)
WJM Wellmark
WJN Unassigned Prefix
WJO Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA)
WJP Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI)
WJQ Unassigned Prefix
WJR Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA)
WJS Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH)
WJT Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO)
WJU Wellmark
WJV BCBS of Texas (TX)
WJW BCBS of Illinois (IL)
WJX BCBS of Illinois (IL)
WJY BCBS of Illinois (IL)
WJZ BCBS of Massachusetts (MA)
WKA Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH)
WKB Unassigned Prefix
WKC Capital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania (PA)
WKD BCBS of Alabama (AL)
WKE Unassigned Prefix
WKF Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA)
WKG Unassigned Prefix
WKH Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA)
WKI Regence BCBS
WKJ Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH)
WKK BCBS of Illinois (IL)
WKL Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK)
WKM Unassigned Prefix
WKN Unassigned Prefix
WKO Unassigned Prefix
WKP Capital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania (PA)
WKQ BCBS of North Carolina (NC)
WKR Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI)
WKS BCBS of Massachusetts (MA)
WKT Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI)
WKU BCBS of North Carolina (NC)
WKV Unassigned Prefix
WKW BCBS of Massachusetts (MA)
WKX Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI)
WKY BCBS of Illinois (IL)
WKZ Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI)
WLA Unassigned Prefix
WLB BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues
WLC BCBS of Texas (TX)
WLD Unassigned Prefix
WLE BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI)
WLF BCBS of Illinois (IL)
WLG BCBS of Alabama (AL)
WLH Blue shield(BS) of California (CA)
WLI Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH)
WLJ Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK)
WLK Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID)
WLL Anthem BCBS of Kentucky (KY)
WLM BCBS of Illinois (IL)
WLN Highmark BCBS of Delaware (DE)
WLO Unassigned Prefix
WLP Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA)
WLQ Wellmark
WLR Empire BCBS of New York (NY)
WLS BCBS of Alabama (AL)
WLT Wellmark
WLU Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN)
WLV Unassigned Prefix
WLW Wellmark
WLX Wellmark
WLY Unassigned Prefix
WLZ Highmark BCBS of Delaware (DE)
WMA Wellmark
WMB Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO)
WMC BCBS of Minnesota (MN)
WMD BCBS of Minnesota (MN)
WME BCBS of Illinois (IL)
WMF Wellmark
WMG Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA)
WMH Highmark BCBS of Delaware (DE)
WMI BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI)
WMJ Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross
WMK Capital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania (PA)
WML Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI)
WMM BCBS of Minnesota (MN)
WMN BCBS of Illinois (IL)
WMO Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA)
WMP BCBS of Minnesota (MN)
WMQ Unassigned Prefix
WMR Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN)
WMS Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN)
WMT Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA)
WMU BCBS of Texas (TX)
WMV BCBS of Tennessee (TN)
WMW BCBS Prefix Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross
WMX Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN)
WMY Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross
WMZ Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN)
WNA Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN)
WNB Empire BCBS of New York (NY)
WNC BCBS of Alabama (AL)
WND Excellus BCBS of New York (NY)
WNE Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK)
WNF Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA)
WNG Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI)
WNH Empire BCBS of New York (NY)
WNI Regence BCBS
WNJ Unassigned Prefix
WNK Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross
WNL Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA)
WNM BCBS of Western New York (WNY)
WNN Unassigned Prefix
WNO Unassigned Prefix
WNP Unassigned Prefix
WNQ BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI)
WNR Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA)
WNS BCBS of Illinois (IL)
WNT BCBS of Illinois (IL)
WNU Unassigned Prefix
WNV Unassigned Prefix
WNW BCBS of Massachusetts (MA)
WNX Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross
WNY Unassigned Prefix
WNZ BCBS of Massachusetts (MA)
WOA Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA)
WOB Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK)
WOC Unassigned Prefix
WOD Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA)
WOE Unassigned Prefix
WOF BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI)
WOG Unassigned Prefix
WHO Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA)
WOI Unassigned Prefix
WOJ Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross
WOK BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues
WOL Blue shield(BS) of Northeastern New York (NeNY)
WOM Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA)
WON Unassigned Prefix
WOO BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI)
WOP BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI)
WOQ BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI)
WOR Unassigned Prefix
WOS Unassigned Prefix
WOT BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI)
WOU Unassigned Prefix
WOV Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA)
WOW Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK)
WOX Unassigned Prefix
WOY BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI)
WOZ Anthem BCBS of Colorado (CO)
WPA Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross
WPB Capital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania (PA)
WPC BCBS of Kansas City
WPD Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH)
WPE Unassigned Prefix
WPF BCBS of Rhode Island (RI)
WPG BCBS of Kansas City
WPH BCBS of Alabama (AL)
WPI BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI)
WPJ Unassigned Prefix
WPK Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA)
WPL Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH)
WPM BCBS of Kansas City
WPN Unassigned Prefix
WPO BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI)
WPP Anthem BCBS of Kentucky (KY)
WPQ Anthem BCBS of Colorado (CO)
WPR Empire BCBS of New York (NY)
WPS Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross
WPT Wellmark
WPU Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA)
WPV Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA)
WPW Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN)
WPX Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA)
WPY Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA)
WPZ Wellmark
WQA Unassigned Prefix
WQB Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA)
WQC Unassigned Prefix
WQD BCBS of Western New York (WNY)
WQE Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA)
WQF Unassigned Prefix
WQG Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA)
WQH Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA)
WQI Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA)
WQJ BCBS of Western New York (WNY)
WQK Unassigned Prefix
WQL Unassigned Prefix
WQM Unassigned Prefix
WQN BCBS of Illinois (IL)
WQO BCBS of Western New York (WNY)
WQP Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH)
WQQ BCBS of Western New York (WNY)
WQR Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA)
WQS Unassigned Prefix
WQT Unassigned Prefix
WQU Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH)
WQV Unassigned Prefix
WQW Wellmark
WQX Unassigned Prefix
WQY Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH)
WQZ Wellmark
WRA Wellmark
WRB Unassigned Prefix
WRC Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ)
WRD Unassigned Prefix
WRE Anthem BCBS of Kentucky (KY)
WRF BCBS of Massachusetts (MA)
WRG Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH)
WRH Unassigned Prefix
WRI BCBS of Alabama (AL)
WRJ Unassigned Prefix
WRK BCBS of Rhode Island (RI)
WRL Regence BCBS
WRM Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA)
WRN Regence BCBS
WRO Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA)
WRP Unassigned Prefix
WRQ Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA)
WRR Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO)
WRS Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA)
WRT Unassigned Prefix
WRU Wellmark
WRV BCBS of Alabama (AL)
WRW BCBS of Rhode Island (RI)
WRX Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA)
WRY BCBS Prefix Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA)
WRZ Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA)
WSA Blue Advantage of Arkansas (AR)
WSB BCBS of Minnesota (MN)
WSC BCBS of Illinois (IL)
WSD Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI)
WSE Unassigned Prefix
WSF Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross
WSG Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH)
WSH Unassigned Prefix
WSI BCBS of North Carolina (NC)
WSJ Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA)
WSK Anthem BCBS of Nevada (NV)
WSL Wellmark
WSM Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI)
WSN BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues
WSO Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH)
WSP Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN)
WSQ Unassigned Prefix
WSR Unassigned Prefix
WSS BCBS of Western New York (WNY)
WST BCBS of Massachusetts (MA)
WSU Wellmark
WSV Wellmark
WSW BCBS of Illinois (IL)
WSX BCBS of Minnesota (MN)
WSY Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH)
WSZ BCBS of Illinois (IL)
WTA Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI)
WTB Wellmark
WTC Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK)
WTD BCBS of Western New York (WNY)
WTE BCBS of Illinois (IL)
WTF Unassigned Prefix
WTG Regence BCBS
WTH BCBS of Illinois (IL)
WTI Unassigned Prefix
WTJ Unassigned Prefix
WTK Unassigned Prefix
WTL Unassigned Prefix
WTM BCBS of Illinois (IL)
WTN Wellmark
WTO Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross
WTP Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA)
WTQ BCBS of Alabama (AL)
WTR BCBS of Illinois (IL)
WTS Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI)
WTT Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK)
WTU Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK)
WTV Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK)
WTW Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA)
WTX Unassigned Prefix
WTY Unassigned Prefix
WTZ BCBS of Illinois (IL)
WUA BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI)
WUB BCBS of Texas (TX)
WUC Empire BCBS of New York (NY)
WUD Unassigned Prefix
WUE Blue shield(BS) of California (CA)
WUF Wellmark
WUG Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ)
WUH Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA)
WUI Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH)
WUJ BCBS of Rhode Island (RI)
WUK Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN)
WUL Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN)
WUM Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA)
WUN BCBS of North Carolina (NC)
WUO Blue shield(BS) of California (CA)
WUP Unassigned Prefix
WUQ Wellmark
WUR Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ)
WUS Anthem BCBS of Colorado (CO)
WUT Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN)
WUU BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues
WUV BCBS of Massachusetts (MA)
WUW Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA)
WUX Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN)
WUY Unassigned Prefix
WUZ Unassigned Prefix
WVA Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID)
WVB Unassigned Prefix
WVC Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI)
WVD Florida (FL) Blue
WVE BCBS of Illinois (IL)
WVF Unassigned Prefix
WVG Unassigned Prefix
WVH Highmark BCBS of West Virginia (WV)
WVI Blue shield(BS) of California (CA)
WVJ Unassigned Prefix
WVK BCBS of North Carolina (NC)
WVL BCBS of Alabama (AL)
WVM Wellmark
WVN Unassigned Prefix
WVO Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross
WVP Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA)
WVQ Unassigned Prefix
WVR Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA)
WVS Blue shield(BS) of California (CA)
WVT Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA)
WVU Anthem BCBS of Kentucky (KY)
WVV Unassigned Prefix
WVW Unassigned Prefix
WVX Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID)
WVY Anthem BCBS of Colorado (CO)
WVZ Wellmark
WWA Empire BCBS of New York (NY)
WWB BCBS of Massachusetts (MA)
WWC BCBS of Massachusetts (MA)
WWD Regence BCBS
WWE Wellmark
WWF BCBS of Texas (TX)
WWG Unassigned Prefix
WWH Unassigned Prefix
WWI Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK)
WWJ Unassigned Prefix
WWK Unassigned Prefix
WWL Unassigned Prefix
WWM Blue Advantage of Arkansas (AR)
WWN BCBS of Nebraska (NE)
WWO Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA)
WWP Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA)
WWQ Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI)
WWR Wellmark
WWS Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA)
WWT Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA)
WWU BCBS of Massachusetts (MA)
WWV BCBS of Texas (TX)
WWW Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA)
WWX Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA)
WWY BCBS of Massachusetts (MA)
WWZ BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI)
WXA Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI)
WXB Wellmark
WXC BCBS of Texas (TX)
WXD BCBS of Texas (TX)
WXE BCBS of Nebraska (NE)
WXF BCBS of Texas (TX)
WXG BCBS of Texas (TX)
WXH BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues
WXI Unassigned Prefix
WXJ Regence BCBS
WXK Wellmark
WXL BCBS of Minnesota (MN)
WXM Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA)
WXN BCBS of Illinois (IL)
WXO Anthem BCBS of Colorado (CO)
WXP Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO)
WXQ Wellmark
WXR BCBS of Texas (TX)
WXS BCBS of Tennessee (TN)
WXT Unassigned Prefix
WXU BCBS of Texas (TX)
WXV Unassigned Prefix
WXW Unassigned Prefix
WXX BCBS of Texas (TX)
WXY Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA)
WXZ Florida (FL) Blue
WAY Unassigned Prefix
WYB BCBS of Illinois (IL)
WYC Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA)
WYD Unassigned Prefix
WYE Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ)
WYF Wellmark
WYG Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH)
WYH BCBS of Illinois (IL)
WYI BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI)
WYJ Unassigned Prefix
WYK Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA)
WYL Unassigned Prefix
WYM BCBS of Illinois (IL)
WYN Unassigned Prefix
WYO BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI)
WYP Unassigned Prefix
WYQ Unassigned Prefix
WYR Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross
WYS BCBS of Alabama (AL)
WYT Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA)
WYU BCBS of Illinois (IL)
WYV Unassigned Prefix
WYW Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID)
WYX Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA)
WYY BCBS of Oklahoma (OK)
WYZ Florida (FL) Blue
WZA Unassigned Prefix
WZB Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI)
WZC Wellmark
WZD Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI)
WZE Unassigned Prefix
WZF Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA)
WZG BCBS of Texas (TX)
WZH Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK)
WZI Blue shield(BS) of California (CA)
WZJ Unassigned Prefix
WZK Unassigned Prefix
WZL Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI)
WZM Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH)
WZN Wellmark
WZO Regence BCBS
WZP Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI)
WZQ Regence BCBS
WZR Anthem BCBS of Colorado (CO)
WZS Anthem BCBS of Colorado (CO)
WZT Anthem BCBS of Colorado (CO)
WZU Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI)
WZV Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI)
WZW Florida (FL) Blue
WZX Wellmark
WZY Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH)
WZZ BCBS Prefix BCBS of Minnesota (MN)