WAA | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
WAB | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
WAC | Regence BCBS |
WAD | Florida (FL) Blue |
WAE | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
WAF | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
WAG BCBS Prefix | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
WAH | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
WAI | Regence BCBS |
WAJ | Florida (FL) Blue |
WAK | Wellmark |
WAL | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
WAM | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
WAN | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
WAO | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
WAP | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
WAQ | Florida (FL) Blue |
WAR | Unassigned Prefix |
WAS | Unassigned Prefix |
WAT | BCBS of Rhode Island (RI) |
WAU | Wellmark |
WAV | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
WAW | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
WAX | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
WAY | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
WAZ | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
WBA | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
WBB | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
WBC | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
WBD | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
WBE | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
WBF | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
WBG | Regence BCBS |
WBH | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
WBI | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
WBJ | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
WBK | BCBS of North Carolina (NC) |
WBL | Anthem BCBS of Kentucky (KY) |
WBM | Wellmark |
WBN | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
WBO | BCBS of Oklahoma (OK) |
WBP | Regence BCBS |
WBQ | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
WBR | Unassigned Prefix |
WBS | Wellmark |
WBT | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
WBU | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
WBV | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
WBW | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
WBX | Blue shield(BS) of Northeastern New York (NeNY) |
WBY | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
WBZ | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
WCA | Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO) |
WCB | Wellmark |
WCC | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
WCD | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
WCE | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
WCF | Unassigned Prefix |
WCG | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
WCH | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
WCI | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
WCJ | Unassigned Prefix |
WCK | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
WCL | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
WCM | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
WCN | Regence BCBS |
WCO | Capital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania (PA) |
WCP | Regence BCBS |
WCQ | Wellmark |
WCR | Unassigned Prefix |
WCS | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
WCT | Unassigned Prefix |
WCU | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
WCV | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
WCW | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
WCX | Wellmark |
WCY | Regence BCBS |
WCZ | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
WDA | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
WDB | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
WDC | Unassigned Prefix |
WDD | Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross |
WDE | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
WDF | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
WDG | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
WDH | Wellmark |
WDI | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
WDJ | Unassigned Prefix |
WDK | Unassigned Prefix |
WDL | Unassigned Prefix |
WDM | BCBS of Nebraska (NE) |
WDN | Unassigned Prefix |
WDO | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
WDP | Unassigned Prefix |
WDQ | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
WDR | Unassigned Prefix |
WDS | Florida (FL) Blue |
WDT | Unassigned Prefix |
WDU | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
WDV | Unassigned Prefix |
WDW | Unassigned Prefix |
WDX | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
WDY | Unassigned Prefix |
WDZ | Unassigned Prefix |
WEA | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
WEB | Unassigned Prefix |
WEC | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
WED | Unassigned Prefix |
WEE | Wellmark |
WEF | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
WEG | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
WEH | Wellmark |
WEI | Wellmark |
WEJ | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
WEK | Wellmark |
WEL | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
WEM | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
WEN | Unassigned Prefix |
WEO | Blue Advantage of Arkansas (AR) |
WEP | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
WEQ | BCBS of Nebraska (NE) |
WER | Unassigned Prefix |
WES | Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross |
WET | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
WEU | Unassigned Prefix |
WEV | BCBS of Western New York (WNY) |
WEW | Unassigned Prefix |
WEX | Unassigned Prefix |
WEY | Unassigned Prefix |
WEZ | Unassigned Prefix |
WFA | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
WFB | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
WFC | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
WFD | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
WFE | Regence BCBS |
WFF | Unassigned Prefix |
WFG | Regence BCBS |
WFH | Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO) |
WFI | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
WFJ | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
WFK | Unassigned Prefix |
WFL | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
WFM | Excellus BCBS of New York (NY) |
WFN | Unassigned Prefix |
WFO | BCBS of Tennessee (TN) |
WFP | Unassigned Prefix |
WFQ BCBS Prefix | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
WFR | Unassigned Prefix |
WFS | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
WFT | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
WFU | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
WFV | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
WFW | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
WFX | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
WFY | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
WFZ | Excellus BCBS of New York (NY) |
WGA | Unassigned Prefix |
WGB | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
WGC | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
WGD | Unassigned Prefix |
WGE | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
WGF | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
WGG | Unassigned Prefix |
WGH | Wellmark |
WGI | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
WGJ | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
WGK | Unassigned Prefix |
WGL | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
WGM | Unassigned Prefix |
WGN | Excellus BCBS of New York (NY) |
WGO | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
WGP | Wellmark |
WGQ | Anthem BCBS of New Hampshire (NH) |
WGR | Wellmark |
WGS | Unassigned Prefix |
WGT | BCBS of Western New York (WNY) |
WGU | Unassigned Prefix |
WGV | Unassigned Prefix |
WGW | Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO) |
WGX | Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross |
WGY | Unassigned Prefix |
WGZ | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
WHA | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
WHB | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
WHC | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
WHD | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
WHE | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
WHF | Wellmark |
WHG | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
WHH | Wellmark |
WHI | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
WHJ | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
WHK | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
WHL | BCBS of Western New York (WNY) |
WHM | Blue Advantage of Arkansas (AR) |
WHN | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
WHO | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
WHP | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
WHQ | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
WHR | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
WHS | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
WHT | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
WHU | Wellmark |
WHV | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
WHW | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
WHX | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
WHY | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
WHZ | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
WIA | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
WIB | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
WIC | Unassigned Prefix |
WID | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
WIE | Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross |
WIF | BCBS of North Carolina (NC) |
WIG | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
WIH | Premera Blue Cross (BC) of Alaska (AK) |
WII | Unassigned Prefix |
WIJ | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
WIK | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
WIL | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
WIM | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
WIN | Wellmark |
WIO | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
WIP | Regence BCBS |
WIQ | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
WIR | Unassigned Prefix |
WIS | Unassigned Prefix |
WIT | Unassigned Prefix |
WIU | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
WIV | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
WIW | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
WIX | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
WIY | BCBS of Kansas City |
WIZ | Unassigned Prefix |
WJA | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
WJB | Unassigned Prefix |
WJC | Unassigned Prefix |
WJD | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
WJE | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
WJF | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
WJG | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
WJH | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
WJI | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
WJJ | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
WJK | Capital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania (PA) |
WJL | BCBS of Nebraska (NE) |
WJM | Wellmark |
WJN | Unassigned Prefix |
WJO | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
WJP | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
WJQ | Unassigned Prefix |
WJR | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
WJS | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
WJT | Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO) |
WJU | Wellmark |
WJV | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
WJW | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
WJX | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
WJY | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
WJZ | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
WKA | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
WKB | Unassigned Prefix |
WKC | Capital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania (PA) |
WKD | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
WKE | Unassigned Prefix |
WKF | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
WKG | Unassigned Prefix |
WKH | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
WKI | Regence BCBS |
WKJ | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
WKK | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
WKL | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
WKM | Unassigned Prefix |
WKN | Unassigned Prefix |
WKO | Unassigned Prefix |
WKP | Capital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania (PA) |
WKQ | BCBS of North Carolina (NC) |
WKR | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
WKS | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
WKT | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
WKU | BCBS of North Carolina (NC) |
WKV | Unassigned Prefix |
WKW | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
WKX | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
WKY | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
WKZ | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
WLA | Unassigned Prefix |
WLB | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
WLC | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
WLD | Unassigned Prefix |
WLE | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
WLF | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
WLG | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
WLH | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
WLI | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
WLJ | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
WLK | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
WLL | Anthem BCBS of Kentucky (KY) |
WLM | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
WLN | Highmark BCBS of Delaware (DE) |
WLO | Unassigned Prefix |
WLP | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
WLQ | Wellmark |
WLR | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
WLS | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
WLT | Wellmark |
WLU | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
WLV | Unassigned Prefix |
WLW | Wellmark |
WLX | Wellmark |
WLY | Unassigned Prefix |
WLZ | Highmark BCBS of Delaware (DE) |
WMA | Wellmark |
WMB | Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO) |
WMC | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
WMD | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
WME | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
WMF | Wellmark |
WMG | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
WMH | Highmark BCBS of Delaware (DE) |
WMI | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
WMJ | Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross |
WMK | Capital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania (PA) |
WML | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
WMM | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
WMN | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
WMO | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
WMP | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
WMQ | Unassigned Prefix |
WMR | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
WMS | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
WMT | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
WMU | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
WMV | BCBS of Tennessee (TN) |
WMW BCBS Prefix | Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross |
WMX | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
WMY | Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross |
WMZ | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
WNA | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
WNB | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
WNC | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
WND | Excellus BCBS of New York (NY) |
WNE | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
WNF | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
WNG | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
WNH | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
WNI | Regence BCBS |
WNJ | Unassigned Prefix |
WNK | Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross |
WNL | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
WNM | BCBS of Western New York (WNY) |
WNN | Unassigned Prefix |
WNO | Unassigned Prefix |
WNP | Unassigned Prefix |
WNQ | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
WNR | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
WNS | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
WNT | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
WNU | Unassigned Prefix |
WNV | Unassigned Prefix |
WNW | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
WNX | Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross |
WNY | Unassigned Prefix |
WNZ | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
WOA | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
WOB | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
WOC | Unassigned Prefix |
WOD | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
WOE | Unassigned Prefix |
WOF | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
WOG | Unassigned Prefix |
WHO | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
WOI | Unassigned Prefix |
WOJ | Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross |
WOK | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
WOL | Blue shield(BS) of Northeastern New York (NeNY) |
WOM | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
WON | Unassigned Prefix |
WOO | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
WOP | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
WOQ | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
WOR | Unassigned Prefix |
WOS | Unassigned Prefix |
WOT | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
WOU | Unassigned Prefix |
WOV | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
WOW | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
WOX | Unassigned Prefix |
WOY | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
WOZ | Anthem BCBS of Colorado (CO) |
WPA | Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross |
WPB | Capital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania (PA) |
WPC | BCBS of Kansas City |
WPD | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
WPE | Unassigned Prefix |
WPF | BCBS of Rhode Island (RI) |
WPG | BCBS of Kansas City |
WPH | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
WPI | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
WPJ | Unassigned Prefix |
WPK | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
WPL | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
WPM | BCBS of Kansas City |
WPN | Unassigned Prefix |
WPO | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
WPP | Anthem BCBS of Kentucky (KY) |
WPQ | Anthem BCBS of Colorado (CO) |
WPR | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
WPS | Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross |
WPT | Wellmark |
WPU | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
WPV | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
WPW | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
WPX | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
WPY | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
WPZ | Wellmark |
WQA | Unassigned Prefix |
WQB | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
WQC | Unassigned Prefix |
WQD | BCBS of Western New York (WNY) |
WQE | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
WQF | Unassigned Prefix |
WQG | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
WQH | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
WQI | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
WQJ | BCBS of Western New York (WNY) |
WQK | Unassigned Prefix |
WQL | Unassigned Prefix |
WQM | Unassigned Prefix |
WQN | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
WQO | BCBS of Western New York (WNY) |
WQP | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
WQQ | BCBS of Western New York (WNY) |
WQR | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
WQS | Unassigned Prefix |
WQT | Unassigned Prefix |
WQU | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
WQV | Unassigned Prefix |
WQW | Wellmark |
WQX | Unassigned Prefix |
WQY | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
WQZ | Wellmark |
WRA | Wellmark |
WRB | Unassigned Prefix |
WRC | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
WRD | Unassigned Prefix |
WRE | Anthem BCBS of Kentucky (KY) |
WRF | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
WRG | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
WRH | Unassigned Prefix |
WRI | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
WRJ | Unassigned Prefix |
WRK | BCBS of Rhode Island (RI) |
WRL | Regence BCBS |
WRM | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
WRN | Regence BCBS |
WRO | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
WRP | Unassigned Prefix |
WRQ | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
WRR | Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO) |
WRS | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
WRT | Unassigned Prefix |
WRU | Wellmark |
WRV | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
WRW | BCBS of Rhode Island (RI) |
WRX | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
WRY BCBS Prefix | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
WRZ | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
WSA | Blue Advantage of Arkansas (AR) |
WSB | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
WSC | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
WSD | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
WSE | Unassigned Prefix |
WSF | Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross |
WSG | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
WSH | Unassigned Prefix |
WSI | BCBS of North Carolina (NC) |
WSJ | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
WSK | Anthem BCBS of Nevada (NV) |
WSL | Wellmark |
WSM | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
WSN | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
WSO | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
WSP | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
WSQ | Unassigned Prefix |
WSR | Unassigned Prefix |
WSS | BCBS of Western New York (WNY) |
WST | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
WSU | Wellmark |
WSV | Wellmark |
WSW | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
WSX | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
WSY | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
WSZ | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
WTA | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
WTB | Wellmark |
WTC | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
WTD | BCBS of Western New York (WNY) |
WTE | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
WTF | Unassigned Prefix |
WTG | Regence BCBS |
WTH | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
WTI | Unassigned Prefix |
WTJ | Unassigned Prefix |
WTK | Unassigned Prefix |
WTL | Unassigned Prefix |
WTM | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
WTN | Wellmark |
WTO | Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross |
WTP | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
WTQ | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
WTR | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
WTS | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
WTT | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
WTU | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
WTV | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
WTW | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
WTX | Unassigned Prefix |
WTY | Unassigned Prefix |
WTZ | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
WUA | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
WUB | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
WUC | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
WUD | Unassigned Prefix |
WUE | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
WUF | Wellmark |
WUG | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
WUH | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
WUI | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
WUJ | BCBS of Rhode Island (RI) |
WUK | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
WUL | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
WUM | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
WUN | BCBS of North Carolina (NC) |
WUO | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
WUP | Unassigned Prefix |
WUQ | Wellmark |
WUR | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
WUS | Anthem BCBS of Colorado (CO) |
WUT | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
WUU | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
WUV | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
WUW | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
WUX | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
WUY | Unassigned Prefix |
WUZ | Unassigned Prefix |
WVA | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
WVB | Unassigned Prefix |
WVC | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
WVD | Florida (FL) Blue |
WVE | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
WVF | Unassigned Prefix |
WVG | Unassigned Prefix |
WVH | Highmark BCBS of West Virginia (WV) |
WVI | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
WVJ | Unassigned Prefix |
WVK | BCBS of North Carolina (NC) |
WVL | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
WVM | Wellmark |
WVN | Unassigned Prefix |
WVO | Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross |
WVP | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
WVQ | Unassigned Prefix |
WVR | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
WVS | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
WVT | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
WVU | Anthem BCBS of Kentucky (KY) |
WVV | Unassigned Prefix |
WVW | Unassigned Prefix |
WVX | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
WVY | Anthem BCBS of Colorado (CO) |
WVZ | Wellmark |
WWA | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
WWB | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
WWC | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
WWD | Regence BCBS |
WWE | Wellmark |
WWF | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
WWG | Unassigned Prefix |
WWH | Unassigned Prefix |
WWI | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
WWJ | Unassigned Prefix |
WWK | Unassigned Prefix |
WWL | Unassigned Prefix |
WWM | Blue Advantage of Arkansas (AR) |
WWN | BCBS of Nebraska (NE) |
WWO | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
WWP | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
WWQ | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
WWR | Wellmark |
WWS | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
WWT | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
WWU | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
WWV | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
WWW | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
WWX | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
WWY | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
WWZ | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
WXA | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
WXB | Wellmark |
WXC | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
WXD | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
WXE | BCBS of Nebraska (NE) |
WXF | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
WXG | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
WXH | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
WXI | Unassigned Prefix |
WXJ | Regence BCBS |
WXK | Wellmark |
WXL | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
WXM | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
WXN | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
WXO | Anthem BCBS of Colorado (CO) |
WXP | Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO) |
WXQ | Wellmark |
WXR | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
WXS | BCBS of Tennessee (TN) |
WXT | Unassigned Prefix |
WXU | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
WXV | Unassigned Prefix |
WXW | Unassigned Prefix |
WXX | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
WXY | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
WXZ | Florida (FL) Blue |
WAY | Unassigned Prefix |
WYB | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
WYC | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
WYD | Unassigned Prefix |
WYE | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
WYF | Wellmark |
WYG | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
WYH | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
WYI | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
WYJ | Unassigned Prefix |
WYK | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
WYL | Unassigned Prefix |
WYM | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
WYN | Unassigned Prefix |
WYO | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
WYP | Unassigned Prefix |
WYQ | Unassigned Prefix |
WYR | Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross |
WYS | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
WYT | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
WYU | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
WYV | Unassigned Prefix |
WYW | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
WYX | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
WYY | BCBS of Oklahoma (OK) |
WYZ | Florida (FL) Blue |
WZA | Unassigned Prefix |
WZB | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
WZC | Wellmark |
WZD | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
WZE | Unassigned Prefix |
WZF | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
WZG | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
WZH | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
WZI | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
WZJ | Unassigned Prefix |
WZK | Unassigned Prefix |
WZL | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
WZM | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
WZN | Wellmark |
WZO | Regence BCBS |
WZP | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
WZQ | Regence BCBS |
WZR | Anthem BCBS of Colorado (CO) |
WZS | Anthem BCBS of Colorado (CO) |
WZT | Anthem BCBS of Colorado (CO) |
WZU | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
WZV | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
WZW | Florida (FL) Blue |
WZX | Wellmark |
WZY | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
WZZ BCBS Prefix | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |