IAA | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
IAB | Unassigned Prefix |
IAC | Regence BCBS |
IAD | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
IAE | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IAF | Unassigned Prefix |
IAG | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
IAH | Wellmark |
IAI | Unassigned Prefix |
IAJ | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
IAK | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
IAL | Wellmark |
IAM | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
IAN | Unassigned Prefix |
IAO | Unassigned Prefix |
IAP | Wellmark |
IAQ | Unassigned Prefix |
IAR | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
IAS | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
IAT BCBS Prefix | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
IAU | BCBS of Nebraska (NE) |
IAV | Wellmark |
IAW | Wellmark |
IAX | Unassigned Prefix |
IAY | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
IAZ | Unassigned Prefix |
IBA | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
IBB | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
IBC | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
IBD | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
IBE | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
IBF | Wellmark |
IBG | Unassigned Prefix |
IBH | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
IBI | Wellmark |
IBJ | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IBK | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
IBL | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
IBM | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
IBN | Unassigned Prefix |
IBO | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
IBP | Wellmark |
IBQ | Regence BCBS |
IBR | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IBS | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
IBT | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
IBU | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
IBV | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
IBW | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
IBX | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
IBY | Unassigned Prefix |
IBZ | Regence BCBS |
ICA | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
ICB | Unassigned Prefix |
ICC | Anthem BCBS of Colorado (CO) |
ICD | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
ICE | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
ICF | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
ICG | BCBS of Louisiana(LA) |
ICH | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
ICI | Florida (FL) Blue |
ICJ | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
ICK | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
ICL | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
ICM | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
ICN | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
ICO | BCBS of North Carolina (NC) |
ICP | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
ICQ | Unassigned Prefix |
ICR | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
ICS | Unassigned Prefix |
ICT | BCBS of Western New York (WNY) |
ICU | Unassigned Prefix |
ICV | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
ICW | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
ICX | Unassigned Prefix |
ICY | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
ICZ | Unassigned Prefix |
IDA | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
IDB | Florida (FL) Blue |
IDC | Unassigned Prefix |
IDD | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
IDE | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
IDF | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
IDG | Unassigned Prefix |
IDH | Unassigned Prefix |
IDI | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
IDJ | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
IDK | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
IDL | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
IDM | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
IDN | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
IDO | BCBS of Kansas |
IDP | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
IDQ | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
IDR | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
IDS | BCBS of Kansas City |
IDT | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
IDU | BCBS of Louisiana(LA) |
IDV | Unassigned Prefix |
IDW | Unassigned Prefix |
IDX | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
IDY | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
IDZ | Wellmark |
IEA | Regence BCBS |
IEB | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
IEC | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
IED BCBS Prefix | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
IEE | Unassigned Prefix |
IEF | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
IEG | Unassigned Prefix |
IEH | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
IEI | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
IEJ | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
IEK | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
IEL | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
IEM | Unassigned Prefix |
IEN | Unassigned Prefix |
IEO BCBS Prefix | BCBS of North Carolina (NC) |
IEP | BCBS of Louisiana(LA) |
IEQ | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
IER | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
IES | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
IET | Anthem BCBS of Connecticut (CT) |
IEU | BCBS of Louisiana(LA) |
IEV | Unassigned Prefix |
IEW | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
IEX | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IEY | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
IEZ | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
IFA | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
IFB | Wellmark |
IFC | BCBS of Western New York (WNY) |
IFD | Regence BCBS |
IFE | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
IFF | Wellmark |
IFG | Unassigned Prefix |
IFH | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
IFI | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
IFJ | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
IFK | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
IFL | Regence BCBS |
IFM | Unassigned Prefix |
IFN | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
IFO | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
IFP | Anthem BCBS of Nevada (NV) |
IFQ | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
IFR | Anthem BCBS of Kentucky (KY) |
IFS | Unassigned Prefix |
IFT | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
IFU | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
IFV | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
IFW | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
IFX | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
IFY | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
IFZ | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
IGA | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
IGB | Unassigned Prefix |
IGC | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
IGD | Wellmark |
IGE | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
IGF | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
IGG | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
IGH | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
IGI | Wellmark |
IGJ | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
IGK | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
IGL | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
IGM | Unassigned Prefix |
IGN | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
IGO | BCBS of Western New York (WNY) |
IGP | Wellmark |
IGQ | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
IGR | Unassigned Prefix |
IGS | Unassigned Prefix |
IGT | Unassigned Prefix |
IGU | BCBS of Louisiana(LA) |
IGV | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
IGW | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
IGX | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
IGY | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
IGZ | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
IHA | Unassigned Prefix |
IHB | Wellmark |
IHC | Unassigned Prefix |
IHD | BCBS of Nebraska (NE) |
IHE | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
IHF | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
IHG | Unassigned Prefix |
IHH | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
IHI | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
IHJ | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
IHK | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
IHL | Highmark BCBS of West Virginia (WVA) |
IHM | Highmark BCBS of Delaware (DE) |
IHN | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
IHO | BCBS of Louisiana(LA) |
IHP | Unassigned Prefix |
IHQ | BCBS of Louisiana(LA) |
IHR | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
HIS | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
IHT | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
IHU | Unassigned Prefix |
IHV | Unassigned Prefix |
IHW | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
IHX | Anthem BCBS of Colorado (CO) |
IHY | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
IHZ | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
IIA | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
IIB | Unassigned Prefix |
IIC | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
IID | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
IIE | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
IIF | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
IIG | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
IIH | Unassigned Prefix |
III | BCBS of Tennessee (TN) |
IIJ | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
IIK | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
IIL | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
IIM | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
IIN | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
IIO | Unassigned Prefix |
IIP | BCBS of Western New York (WNY) |
IIQ | Florida (FL) Blue |
IIR | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
IIS | Unassigned Prefix |
IIT | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
IIU | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
IIV | Florida (FL) Blue |
IIW | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
IIX | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
IIY | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
IIZ | Florida (FL) Blue |
IJA | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
IJB | Anthem BCBS of Kentucky (KY) |
IJC | Unassigned Prefix |
IJD | Anthem BCBS of New Hampshire (NH) |
IJE | BCBS of Western New York (WNY) |
IJF | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
IJG | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
IJH | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
IJI | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
IJJ | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
IJK | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
IJL | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
IJM | Unassigned Prefix |
IJN | Florida (FL) Blue |
IJO | Unassigned Prefix |
IJP | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
IJQ | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
IJR | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
IJS | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
IJT | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
IJU | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
IJV | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
IJW | Unassigned Prefix |
IJX | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
IJY | Capital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania (PA) |
IJZ | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
IKA | Anthem BCBS of Kentucky (KY) |
IKB | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
IKC | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
IKD | Wellmark |
IKE | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
IKF | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
IKG | Unassigned Prefix |
IKH | Wellmark |
IKI | Florida (FL) Blue |
IKJ | Unassigned Prefix |
IKK | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IKL | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
IKM | Unassigned Prefix |
IKN | Unassigned Prefix |
IKO | Highmark BCBS of Delaware (DE) |
IKP | Unassigned Prefix |
IKQ | Wellmark |
IKR | Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO) |
IKS | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
IKT | Anthem BCBS of Kentucky (KY) |
IKU | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
IKV | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IKW | Unassigned Prefix |
IKX | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IKY | BCBS of Nebraska (NE) |
IKZ | Unassigned Prefix |
ILA | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
ILB | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
ILC | Wellmark |
ILD | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
ILE | Wellmark |
ILF | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
ILG | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
ILH | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
ILI | Unassigned Prefix |
ILJ | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
ILK | Regence BCBS |
ILL | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
ILM | Unassigned Prefix |
ILN | Unassigned Prefix |
ILO | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
ILP | BCBS of Kansas City |
ILQ | Unassigned Prefix |
ILR | Unassigned Prefix |
ILS | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
ILT | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
ILU | Unassigned Prefix |
ILV | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
ILW | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
ILX | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
ILY BCBS Prefix | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
ILZ | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IMA | Excellus BCBS of New York (NY) |
IMB | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
IMC | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
IMD | Unassigned Prefix |
IME | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
IMF | Regence BCBS |
IMG | Regence BCBS |
IMH | Anthem BCBS of Colorado (CO) |
IMI | Wellmark |
IMJ | Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO) |
IMK | Anthem BCBS of Maine (ME) |
IML | Unassigned Prefix |
IMM | BCBS of Western New York (WNY) |
IMN | Unassigned Prefix |
IMO | Unassigned Prefix |
IMP | Unassigned Prefix |
IMQ | BCBS of Tennessee (TN) |
IMR | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
IMS | Anthem BCBS of Kentucky (KY) |
IMT | Wellmark |
IMU | BCBS of Louisiana(LA) |
IMV | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
IMW | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
IMX | Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO) |
IMY | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
IMZ | Wellmark |
INA | Anthem BCBS of Kentucky (KY) |
INB | Premera Blue Cross (BC) of Alaska (AK) |
INC | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
IND | BCBS of North Carolina (NC) |
INE | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
INF | Unassigned Prefix |
ING | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
INH | Unassigned Prefix |
INI | Highmark BCBS of Delaware (DE) |
INJ | Anthem BCBS of Kentucky (KY) |
INK | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
INL | BCBS of Tennessee (TN) |
INM | Unassigned Prefix |
INN | Unassigned Prefix |
INO | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
INP | BCBS of North Carolina (NC) |
INQ | Regence BCBS |
INR | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
INS | Wellmark |
INT | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
INU | Unassigned Prefix |
INV | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
INW | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
INX | Unassigned Prefix |
INY | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
INZ | Unassigned Prefix |
IOA | Unassigned Prefix |
IOB | BCBS of Tennessee (TN) |
IOC | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
IOD | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IOE | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
IOF | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
IOG | Blue shield(BS) of Northeastern New York (NeNY) |
IOH | Unassigned Prefix |
IOI | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IOJ | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IOK | Unassigned Prefix |
IOL | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IOM | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
ION | Florida (FL) Blue |
IOO | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IOP | BCBS of Western New York (WNY) |
IOQ | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IOR | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
IOS | BCBS of North Carolina (NC) |
IOT | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
IOU | BCBS of Louisiana(LA) |
IOV | Unassigned Prefix |
IOW | Unassigned Prefix |
IOX | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
IOY | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
IOZ | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
IPA | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
IPB | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
IPC | Unassigned Prefix |
IPD | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
IPE | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
IPF | Unassigned Prefix |
IPG | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
IPH | BCBS of Kansas |
IPI | Unassigned Prefix |
IPJ | Unassigned Prefix |
IPK | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
IPL | BCBS of Kansas City |
IPM | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
IPN | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
IPO | Unassigned Prefix |
IPP | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
IPQ | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
IPR | Wellmark |
IPS | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
IPT | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
IPU | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
IPV | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IPW | Regence BCBS |
IPX | Wellmark |
IPY | BCBS of Western New York (WNY) |
IPZ | BCBS of Rhode Island (RI) |
IQA | Unassigned Prefix |
IQB | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
IQC | Capital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania (PA) |
IQD | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
IQE | BCBS of Tennessee (TN) |
IQF | BCBS of Tennessee (TN) |
IQG | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
IQH | Anthem BCBS of Kentucky (KY) |
IQI | Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO) |
IQJ | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
IQK | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
IQL | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
IQM | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
IQN | BCBS of Louisiana(LA) |
IQO | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
IQP | Unassigned Prefix |
IQQ | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
IQR | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
IQS | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
IQT | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
IQU | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IQV | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
IQW | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
IQX | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
IQY | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
IQZ | Unassigned Prefix |
IRA | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
IRB | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
IRC | Anthem BCBS of Colorado (CO) |
IRD | Unassigned Prefix |
IRE | Unassigned Prefix |
IRF | Unassigned Prefix |
IRG | BCBS of Louisiana(LA) |
IRH | Unassigned Prefix |
IRI | BCBS of Rhode Island (RI) |
IRJ | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
IRK | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
IRL | Unassigned Prefix |
IRM | BCBS of Kansas City |
IRN | Unassigned Prefix |
IRO | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
IRP | Florida (FL) Blue |
IRQ | Florida (FL) Blue |
IRR | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
IRS | Florida (FL) Blue |
IRT | Wellmark |
IRU | Anthem BCBS of Connecticut (CT) |
IRV | Unassigned Prefix |
IRW | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
IRX | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
IRY | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
IRZ | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
ISA | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
ISB | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
ISC | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
ISD | BCBS of Arizona (AZ) |
ISE | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
ISF | Unassigned Prefix |
ISG | Unassigned Prefix |
ISH | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
ISI | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
ISJ | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
ISK | Anthem BCBS of Kentucky (KY) |
ISL | Wellmark |
ISM | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
ISN | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
ISO | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
ISP | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
ISQ | BCBS of Kansas City |
ISR | Unassigned Prefix |
ISS | Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO) |
IST | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
ISU | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
ISV | Unassigned Prefix |
ISW | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
ISX | Wellmark |
ISY | Unassigned Prefix |
ISZ | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
ITA | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
ITB | Wellmark |
ITC | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
ITD | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
ITE | BCBS of North Carolina (NC) |
ITF | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
ITG | Unassigned Prefix |
ITH | Capital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania (PA) |
ITI | Unassigned Prefix |
ITJ | Unassigned Prefix |
ITK | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
ITL | Unassigned Prefix |
ITM | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
ITN | Unassigned Prefix |
ITO | Blue shield(BS) of Northeastern New York (NeNY) |
ITP | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
ITQ | Wellmark |
ITR | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
ITS | Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross |
ITT | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
ITU | Regence BCBS |
ITV | Unassigned Prefix |
ITW | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
ITX | Regence BCBS |
ITY | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
ITZ | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
IUA | Wellmark |
IUB | Anthem BCBS of Connecticut (CT) |
IUC | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
IUD | Unassigned Prefix |
IUE | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
IUF | Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO) |
IUG | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
IUH | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
IUI | BCBS of Rhode Island (RI) |
IUJ | Unassigned Prefix |
IUK | BCBS of Louisiana(LA) |
IUL | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
IUM | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
IUN | Unassigned Prefix |
IUO | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
IUP | Anthem BCBS of Connecticut (CT) |
IUQ | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
IUR | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
IUS | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
IUT | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
IUU | Unassigned Prefix |
IUV | Regence BCBS |
IUW | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
IUX | Unassigned Prefix |
IUY | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
IUZ | Unassigned Prefix |
IVA | Unassigned Prefix |
IVB | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IVC | BCBS of Kansas City |
IVD | Unassigned Prefix |
IVE | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
IVF | BCBS of Tennessee (TN) |
IVG | Unassigned Prefix |
IVH | BCBS of Rhode Island (RI) |
IVI | BCBS of Louisiana(LA) |
IVJ | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
IVK | BCBS of Mississippi (MS) |
IVL | Unassigned Prefix |
IVM | Unassigned Prefix |
IVN | BCBS of Tennessee (TN) |
IVO | Unassigned Prefix |
IVP | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IVQ | Unassigned Prefix |
IVR | BCBS of Arizona (AZ) |
IVS | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
IVT | Wellmark |
IVU | Florida (FL) Blue |
IVV | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
IVW | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
IVX | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
IVY | BCBS of Rhode Island (RI) |
IVZ | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
IWA BCBS Prefix | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
IWB | Unassigned Prefix |
IWC | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
IWD | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
IWE | Wellmark |
IWF | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
IWG | Excellus BCBS of New York (NY) |
IWH | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
IWI | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
IWJ | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
IWK | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IWL | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
IWM | Unassigned Prefix |
IWN | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
IWO | Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO) |
IWP | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IWQ | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
IWR | Anthem BCBS of Connecticut (CT) |
IWS | Wellmark |
IWT | Capital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania (PA) |
IWU | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
IWV | BCBS of Kansas City |
IWW | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
IWX | BCBS of Western New York (WNY) |
IWY | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
IWZ | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IXA | Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross |
IXB | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
IXC | Unassigned Prefix |
IXD | Unassigned Prefix |
IXE | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
IXF | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
IXG | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
IXH | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
IXI | Florida (FL) Blue |
IXJ | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
IXK | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
IXL | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
IXM | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
IXN | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
IXO | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
IXP | Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO) |
IXQ | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
IXR | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IXS | Unassigned Prefix |
IXT | Unassigned Prefix |
IXU | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
IXV | Unassigned Prefix |
IXW | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IXX | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
IXY | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
IXZ | Unassigned Prefix |
IYA | Unassigned Prefix |
IYB | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
IYC | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
IYD | Capital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania (PA) |
IYE | Unassigned Prefix |
IYF | Unassigned Prefix |
IYG | Florida (FL) Blue |
IYH | Anthem BCBS of Kentucky (KY) |
IYI | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IYJ | BCBS of Kansas City |
IYK | Unassigned Prefix |
IYL | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
IYM | Unassigned Prefix |
IYN | Premera Blue Cross (BC) of Alaska (AK) |
IYO | Unassigned Prefix |
IYP | Anthem BCBS of Colorado (CO) |
IYQ | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
IYR | Florida (FL) Blue |
IYS | Unassigned Prefix |
IYT | Unassigned Prefix |
IYU | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IYV | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IYW | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
IYX | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IYY | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IYZ | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IZA | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
IZB | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
IZC | Unassigned Prefix |
IZD | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
IZE | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
IZF | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
IZG | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IZH | Unassigned Prefix |
IZI | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IZJ | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IZK | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
IZL | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IZM | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IZN | Unassigned Prefix |
IZO | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IZP | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
IZQ | Unassigned Prefix |
IZR | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IZS | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IZT | Unassigned Prefix |
IZU | Wellmark |
IZV | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
IZW | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IZX | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IZY | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
IZZ | Unassigned Prefix |