HAA | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HAB | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HAC | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HAD | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
HAE | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
HAF | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HAG | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
HAH | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
HAI | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
HAJ | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
HAK | Unassigned Prefix |
HAL | Unassigned Prefix |
HAM | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HAN | Unassigned Prefix |
HAO | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
HAP | BCBS of Oklahoma (OK) |
HAQ | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HAR | Regence BCBS |
HAS | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
HAT | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
HAU | Anthem BCBS of Nevada (NV) |
HAV | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
HAW | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
HAX | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HAY | Unassigned Prefix |
HAZ | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HBA | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HBB | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
HBC | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
HBD | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HBE | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
HBF | Unassigned Prefix |
HBG | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
HBH | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HBI | Unassigned Prefix |
HBJ | Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross |
HBK | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HBL | Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO) |
HBM | Unassigned Prefix |
HBN | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
HBO | Unassigned Prefix |
HBP | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
HBQ | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
HBR | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
HBS | Unassigned Prefix |
HBT | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
HBU | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
HBV | Unassigned Prefix |
HBW | Unassigned Prefix |
HBX | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HBY | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HBZ | Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross |
HCA | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
HCB | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
HCC | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
HCD | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HCE | BCBS of Tennessee (TN) |
HCF | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
HCG | Wellmark |
HCH | Unassigned Prefix |
HCI | Unassigned Prefix |
HCJ | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
HCK | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
HCL | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
HCM | Wellmark |
HCN | Unassigned Prefix |
HCO | Unassigned Prefix |
HCP | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
HCQ | Unassigned Prefix |
HCR | Unassigned Prefix |
HCS | Regence BCBS |
HCT BCBS Prefix | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
HCU | BCBS of Tennessee (TN) |
HCV | Wellmark |
HCW | Unassigned Prefix |
HCX | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
HCY | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
HCZ | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
HAD | Unassigned Prefix |
HDB | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
HDC | Unassigned Prefix |
HDD | Unassigned Prefix |
HDE | BCBS of Tennessee (TN) |
HDF | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
HDG | BCBS of Mississippi (MS) |
HDH | Unassigned Prefix |
HDI | Unassigned Prefix |
HDJ | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
HDK | Unassigned Prefix |
HDL | Unassigned Prefix |
HDM | Unassigned Prefix |
HDN | BCBS of Tennessee (TN) |
HDO | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
HDP | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
HDQ | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
HDR | BCBS of Nebraska (NE) |
HDS | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
HDT | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
HDU | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
HDV | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
HDW | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
HDX | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
HDY | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
HDZ | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
HEA | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
HEB | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
HEC | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
HED | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HEE | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
HEF | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HEG | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
HEH | BCBS of Kansas |
HEI | Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross |
HEJ | Unassigned Prefix |
HEK | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
HEL | Unassigned Prefix |
HEM BCBS Prefix | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
HEN | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HEO | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
HEP | Wellmark |
HEQ | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
HER | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
HES | BCBS of Kansas City |
HET | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
HEU | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
HEV | Wellmark |
HEW | Unassigned Prefix |
HEX | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
HEY | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
HEZ | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
HFA | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
HFB | Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO) |
HFC | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
HFD | BCBS of Nebraska (NE) |
HFE | Anthem BCBS of New Hampshire (NH) |
HFF | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
HFG | Unassigned Prefix |
HFH | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
HFI | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
HFJ | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
HFK | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
HFL | Regence BCBS |
HFM | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HFN | Unassigned Prefix |
HFO | BCBS of Tennessee (TN) |
HFP | Hawaii Medical Service Association - BCBS |
HFQ | Unassigned Prefix |
HFR | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HFS | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
HFT | Regence BCBS |
HFU | Unassigned Prefix |
HFV | Unassigned Prefix |
HFW | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HFX | Unassigned Prefix |
HFY | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
HFZ | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
HGA | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
HGB | Unassigned Prefix |
HGC | Unassigned Prefix |
HGD | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
HGE | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
HGF | Wellmark |
HGG | Unassigned Prefix |
HGH | Capital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania (PA) |
HGI | Unassigned Prefix |
HGJ | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
HGK | Unassigned Prefix |
HGL | Unassigned Prefix |
HGM | Wellmark |
HGN | Unassigned Prefix |
HGO | Unassigned Prefix |
HGP | Wellmark |
HGQ | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
HGR | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
HGS | Unassigned Prefix |
HGT | Unassigned Prefix |
HGU | Unassigned Prefix |
HGV | Unassigned Prefix |
HGW | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
HGX | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
HGY | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
HGZ | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
HHA | Unassigned Prefix |
HHB | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
HHC | Anthem BCBS of Connecticut (CT) |
HHD | Wellmark |
HHE | Anthem BCBS of Connecticut (CT) |
HHF | Wellmark |
HHG | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
HHH | Anthem BCBS of Kentucky (KY) |
HHI | Wellmark |
HHJ | Unassigned Prefix |
HHK | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
HHL | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
HHM | Florida (FL) Blue |
HHN | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
HHO | Wellmark |
HHP | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HHQ | Wellmark |
HHR | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
HHS | Unassigned Prefix |
HHT | Anthem BCB of Ohio (OH) |
HHU | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
HHV | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
HHW | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HHX | Capital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania (PA) |
HHY | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
HHZ | BCBS of Kansas City |
HIA | Unassigned Prefix |
HIB | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
HIC | Unassigned Prefix |
HID | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
HIE | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
HIF | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
HIG | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
HIH | Wellmark |
HII | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
HIJ | Unassigned Prefix |
HIK | Florida (FL) Blue |
HIL | BCBS of Kansas City |
HIM | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
HIN | BCBS of Vermont (VT) |
HIO | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
HIP | Unassigned Prefix |
HIQ | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
HIR | Unassigned Prefix |
HIS | BCBS of Kansas City |
HIT | Unassigned Prefix |
HIU | BCBS of Tennessee (TN) |
HIV | Unassigned Prefix |
HIW | Unassigned Prefix |
HIX | Unassigned Prefix |
HIY | Unassigned Prefix |
HIZ | Regence BCBS |
HJA | Unassigned Prefix |
HJB | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
HJC | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
HJD | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
HJE | Unassigned Prefix |
HJF | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
HJG | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
HJH | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
HJI | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
HJJ | Unassigned Prefix |
HJK | Unassigned Prefix |
HJL | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
HJM | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
HJN | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HJO | Anthem BCBS of Kentucky (KY) |
HJP | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
HJQ | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
HJR | Unassigned Prefix |
HJS | Unassigned Prefix |
HJT | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
HJU | Wellmark |
HJV | Unassigned Prefix |
HJW | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
HJX | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
HJY | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
HJZ | Wellmark |
HKA | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
HKB | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
HKC | Wellmark |
HKD | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
HKE | Anthem BCBS of Kentucky (KY) |
HKF | Wellmark |
HKG | Unassigned Prefix |
HKH | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
HKI | Unassigned Prefix |
HKJ | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
HKK | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
HKL | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
HKM | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
HKN | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
HKO | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
HKP | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
HKQ | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
HKR | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
HKS | Regence BCBS |
HKT | Wellmark |
HKU | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
HKV | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
HKW | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
HKX | Unassigned Prefix |
HKY | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
HKZ | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
HLA | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
HLB | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
HLC | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
HLD | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
HLE | Unassigned Prefix |
HLF | Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO) |
HLG | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
HLH | Unassigned Prefix |
HLI | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
HLJ | BCBS of Kansas City |
HLK | Unassigned Prefix |
HLL | Unassigned Prefix |
HLM | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HLN | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
HLO | Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO) |
HLP | Wellmark |
HLQ | Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO) |
HLR | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HLS | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
HLT | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
HLU | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
HLV | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
HLW | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
HLX | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
HLY | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
HLZ | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
HMA | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
HMB | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HMC | Wellmark |
HMD | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
HME | Unassigned Prefix |
HMF | Unassigned Prefix |
HMG | Unassigned Prefix |
HMH | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
HMI | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
HMJ | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
HMK | Unassigned Prefix |
HML | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
HMM | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
HMN | Wellmark |
HMO | Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross |
HMP | Wellmark |
HMQ | Unassigned Prefix |
HMR | Excellus BCBS of New York (NY) |
HMS | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
HMT | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
HMU | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
HMV | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
HMW | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
HMX | Wellmark |
HMY | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
HMZ | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
HNA | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
HNB | Unassigned Prefix |
HNC | Unassigned Prefix |
HND | Unassigned Prefix |
HNE | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
HNF | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
HNG | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
HNH | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
HNI | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
HNJ | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
HNK | Unassigned Prefix |
HNL | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
HNM | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
HNN | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
HNO | Unassigned Prefix |
HNP | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
HNQ | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
HNR | Unassigned Prefix |
HNS | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
HNT | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
HNU | Unassigned Prefix |
HNV | Unassigned Prefix |
HNW | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
HNX | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
HNY | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
HNZ | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
HOA | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
HOB | BCBS of Mississippi (MS) |
HOC | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
HOD | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
HOE | Florida (FL) Blue |
HOF | Unassigned Prefix |
HOG | Arkansas (AR) Blue Cross |
HOH | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
HOI | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
HOJ | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
HOK | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
HOL | Unassigned Prefix |
HOM | BCBS of Nebraska (NE) |
HON | Wellmark |
HOO | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
HOP | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
HOQ | Unassigned Prefix |
HOR | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
HOS | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
HOT | Unassigned Prefix |
HOU | Anthem BCBS of Kentucky (KY) |
HOV | Highmark BCBS of West Virginia (WV) |
HOW | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
HOX | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
HOY | Unassigned Prefix |
HOZ | Unassigned Prefix |
HPA | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HPB | Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO) |
HPC | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
HPD | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
HPE | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
HPF | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HPG | Florida (FL) Blue |
HPH | Unassigned Prefix |
HPI | Capital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania (PA) |
HPJ | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
HPK | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
HPL | Unassigned Prefix |
HPM | BCBS of Kansas City |
HPN | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
HPO | BCBS of North Carolina (NC) |
HPP | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
HPQ | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
HPR | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HPS | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
HPT | BCBS of Okalahoma (OK) |
HPU | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
HPV | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
HPW | Unassigned Prefix |
HPX | Unassigned Prefix |
HPY | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
HPZ | Florida (FL) Blue |
HQA | Unassigned Prefix |
HQB | Unassigned Prefix |
HQC | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
HQD | Wellmark |
HQE | Unassigned Prefix |
HQF | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
HQG | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
HQH | Unassigned Prefix |
HQI | Unassigned Prefix |
HQJ | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
HQK | Unassigned Prefix |
HQL | Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO) |
HQM | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
HQN | Wellmark |
HQO | BCBS of Western New York (WNY) |
HQP | Anthem BCBS of Missouri (MO) |
HQQ | Regence BCBS |
HQR | BCBS of Western New York (WNY) |
HQS | Blue shield(BS) of Northeastern New York (NeNY) |
HQT | BCBS of Western New York (WNY) |
HQU | Unassigned Prefix |
HQV | Unassigned Prefix |
HQW | Unassigned Prefix |
HQX | Blue shield(BS) of Northeastern New York (NeNY) |
HQY | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
HQZ | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
HRA | BCBS of Tennessee (TN) |
HRB | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HRC | Capital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania (PA) |
HRD | Wellmark |
HRE | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
HRF | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
HRG | Wellmark |
HRH | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
HRI | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
HRJ | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
HRK | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
HRL | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
HRM | Unassigned Prefix |
HRN | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
HRO | Capital Blue Cross of Pennsylvania (PA) |
HRP | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
HRQ | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
HRR | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
HRS | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
HRT BCBS Prefix | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
HRU | BCBS of Western New York (WNY) |
HRV | BCBS of Nebraska (NE) |
HRW | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
HRX | Unassigned Prefix |
HRY | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
HRZ | Regence BCBS |
HSA | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HSB | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
HSC | Unassigned Prefix |
HSD | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HSE | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HSF | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HSG | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HSH | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HSI | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
HSJ | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HSK | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
HSL | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HSM | BCBS of Tennessee (TN) |
HSN | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
HSO | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
HSP | Unassigned Prefix |
HSQ | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HSR | Highmark BCBS of West Virginia (WV) |
HSS | Unassigned Prefix |
HST | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
HSU | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HSV | BCBS of Nebraska (NE) |
HSW | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
HSX | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
HSY | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
HSZ | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
HTA | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
HTB | Unassigned Prefix |
HTC | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
HTD | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
HTE | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
HTF | Unassigned Prefix |
HTG | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
HTH | Unassigned Prefix |
HTI | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
HTJ | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
HTK | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HTL | Unassigned Prefix |
HTM | Unassigned Prefix |
HTN | Unassigned Prefix |
HTO | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
HTP | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
HTQ | Unassigned Prefix |
HTR | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
HTS | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
HTT | Unassigned Prefix |
HTU | Anthem BCBS of Kentucky (KY) |
HTV | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
HTW | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
HTX | Unassigned Prefix |
HTY | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
HTZ | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
HUA | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
HUB | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
HUC | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
HUD | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
HUE | Anthem BCBS of Connecticut (CT) |
HUF | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HUG | Anthem BCBS of Colorado (CO) |
HUH | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
HUI | Unassigned Prefix |
HUJ | BCBS of South Carolina (SC) / Southcarolinablues |
HUK | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
HUL | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
HUM | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
HUN | Unassigned Prefix |
HUO | Unassigned Prefix |
HUP | Unassigned Prefix |
HUQ | Unassigned Prefix |
HUR | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
HUS | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
HUT | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
HUU | BCBS of Kansas City |
HUV | Wellmark |
HUW | Empire BCBS of New York (NY) |
HUX | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
HUY | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
HUZ | Wellmark |
HVA | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
HVB | BCBS of Minnesota (MN) |
HVC | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
HVD | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HVE | Wellmark |
HVF | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
HVG | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
HVH | Anthem BCBS of Kentucky (KY) |
HVI | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
HVJ | Unassigned Prefix |
HVK | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
HVL | Excellus BCBS of New York (NY) |
HVM | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
HVN | Anthem BCBS of Kentucky (KY) |
HVO | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
HVP | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
HVQ | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
HVR | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
HVS | Unassigned Prefix |
HVT | Unassigned Prefix |
HVU | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
HVV | Unassigned Prefix |
HVW | Unassigned Prefix |
HVX | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
HVY | Unassigned Prefix |
HVZ | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
HWA | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HWB | Unassigned Prefix |
HWC | Unassigned Prefix |
HWD | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
HWE | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HWF | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
HWG | Wellmark |
HWH | Unassigned Prefix |
HWI | Wellmark |
HWJ | Unassigned Prefix |
HWK | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
HWL | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
HWM | Blue Cross (BC) of Idaho (ID) |
HWN | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
HWO | Unassigned Prefix |
HWP | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
HWQ | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HWR | Unassigned Prefix |
HWS | Unassigned Prefix |
HWT | Anthem BCBS of Colorado (CO) |
HWU | Anthem BCBS of Kentucky (KY) |
HWV | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
HWW | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HWX | Wellmark |
HWY | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
HWZ | BCBS of Montana (MT) |
HXA | BCBS of Massachusetts (MA) |
HXB | Anthem BCBS of Colorado (CO) |
HXC | Anthem BCBS of Kentucky (KY) |
HXD | Unassigned Prefix |
HXE | Anthem BCBS of Wisconsin (WI) |
HXF | Anthem BCBS of Nevada (NV) |
HXG | Anthem BCBS of Georgia (GA) |
HXH | Unassigned Prefix |
HXI | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
HXJ | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
HXK | Wellmark |
HXL | Unassigned Prefix |
HXM | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
HXN | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |
HXO | BCBS of Nebraska (NE) |
HXP | Unassigned Prefix |
HXQ | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
HXR | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
HXS | Horizon BCBS of New Jersey (NJ) |
HXT | Independence Blue Cross(BC) of Philadelphia(Phi) and Southeastern Pennsylvania(PA) |
HXU | Unassigned Prefix |
HXV | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
HXW | Unassigned Prefix |
HXX | Carefirst BCBS of Maryland (MD)/ District of Columbia (DC) and Northern Virginia (VA) |
HXY | Regence BCBS |
HXZ | Unassigned Prefix |
HYA | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
HYB | Unassigned Prefix |
HYC | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
HYD | Unassigned Prefix |
HYE | Unassigned Prefix |
HYF | Unassigned Prefix |
HYG | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
HYH | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
HYI | Wellmark |
HYJ | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
HYK | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
HYL | Anthem BCBS of Virginia (VA) |
HYM | Wellmark |
HYN | BCBS of Alabama (AL) |
HYO | Unassigned Prefix |
HYP | Unassigned Prefix |
HYQ | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
HYR | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
HYS | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
HYT | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
HYU | Unassigned Prefix |
HYV | Wellmark |
HYW | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
HYX | Wellmark |
HYY | Unassigned Prefix |
HYZ | Wellmark |
HZA | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
HZB | Florida (FL) Blue |
HZC | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
HZD | Unassigned Prefix |
HZE | Unassigned Prefix |
HZF | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
HZG | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
HZH | Wellmark |
HZI | Unassigned Prefix |
HZJ | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
HZK | BCBS of Illinois (IL) |
HZL | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
HZM | BCBS of Western New York (WNY) |
HZN | Anthem BCBS of Indiana (IN) |
HZO | BCBS of Rhode Island (RI) |
HZP | Unassigned Prefix |
HZQ | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
HZR | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
HZS | Blue shield(BS) of California (CA) |
HZT | Highmark BCBS of Pennsylvania (PA) |
HZU | Premera BCBS of Alaska (AK) |
HZV | Anthem Blue Cross(BC) of California (CA) |
HZW | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
HZX | BCBS Blue Care Network Michigan (MI) |
HZY | BCBS of Texas (TX) |
HZZ | Anthem BCBS of Ohio (OH) |